Pros and Cons of Google Ads

Pros and Cons of Google Ads, Google Ads, Advertisement, Google Ads Review, TMOne NETSUITE

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash


Who hasn’t heard of Google Ads? If you don’t know what it is, you might have been living under a rock all this time! Within the realm of online advertising platforms lies the powerful tool known as Google Ads—a creation by none other than Google itself. Formerly referred to as Google AdWords, this platform facilitates businesses' ability to create compelling advertisements across multiple channels offered by Google Services, comprising but not limited to the esteemed networks of search engines like YouTube or partner websites alike.

Intriguingly enough, through utilizing this gem of a toolset that allows advertisers bidding rights over select keywords—businesses can ascertain consistent visibility for particular phrases or terms within searches relevant both within and outside the bounds of one's chosen keyword. Comprehensively put: These paid-for adverts appear within the searches generated on Google and other websites—that's how the pay-per-click (PPC) model Rolls.

Notwithstanding, Google Ads encapsulates a corpus of ad formats varying from textual or visual implications to even app promotions—truly leaving no stone unturned opportunity-wise. The prospect of ad targeting is where advertisers continue to shine as they navigate through keyword focal points, suitable settings for location, educational opportunities alongside linguistic acumen, demographic considerations, and intriguingly personal interests when campaigning.

To ensure that campaigns befit an inclusive audience not only targeted and effective but fiscally wise—performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversions along with countless beneficial returns on investments are made available by the notorious platform. Thus enabling advertisers to take deliberate steps in improving their advertising strategies.

But wait, before you get too excited, make sure you familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of Google Ads to help you decide whether this is for you or not.


1. Traffic is almost always guaranteed:
With thousands of people using Google to search for something every single second, you are pretty much assured that Google Ads will help you tap into audiences you might not have even thought of and have more traffic flowing to your website.

2. Spend only what you can afford:
Google Ads gives you full control of your budget since you will only be paying every time someone clicks your ad. Just set a budget for the day and you’re good to go!

3. You’ll be instantly gratified:
Running Google Ads will help you increase the chances of people seeing your business right away, so you can almost expect overnight and transparent results out of your efforts.

4. You will receive helpful analytics and data to support your marketing efforts:
Hunches, crossing fingers, and leaving things up to luck don’t have a place if you’re using Google Ads. Instead, you will be getting tons of analytics and data you can use to boost engagement, drive more conversions, and ultimately more results.

5. Enjoy exceptional targeting capabilities:
Reach may be important but you will only be missing out on lots of conversions if you just advertise to anyone. Google Ads will help prevent losing conversions because you can target your ads to those consumers who are already looking for terms relevant to what you’re trying to advertise.


1. It can get a bit expensive:
High-volume and high-intent keywords are often competitive and every click may even cost a lot. Keywords typically range from as low as 50¢ to $50, to some even priced for as much as $90.

2. Natural results are more trusted than ads:
Although you can boost your visibility to have your brand right there in front of your target audience, one downside here is that people tend to trust organic results more.

 No one wants to feel as if someone is selling something to them. As a result, they shun away from PPC ads such as Google Ads because they already know that a business or site paid for it to be there.

3. You need to know what to do and how to do it:
Believe it or not, Google Ads requires a rather big learning curve. Although it’s not necessarily a downside of the effectiveness of Google Ads themselves, the fact that it’s not user-friendly makes it super difficult to get the results you need if you didn’t use them before.

Novices may even end up wasting more money while trying to familiarize themselves with Google Ads. In such cases, you won’t have any other choice but to hire a professional.

Bonus Information

In addition to Google Ads, here are some alternative options:

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash
ü  Using Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc
ü  Using traditional advertising methods like radio, billboards, TV commercials, etc
ü  Using Email Marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and many more to send promotional emails to target customers
ü  Placing visual ads on websites, blogs, and mobile apps. Google Display Network, Bing Ads, and other Ad networks provide opportunities to reach a wide audience
ü  Working with influential individuals or content creators since influencers can create sponsored content or endorse products to their engaged audience
ü  Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo provide opportunities to run video ads effectively reaching users who consume video content
ü  Through creating valuable content such as blog posts, articles, videos, and podcasts to attract and engage your target audience while subtly promoting your products or services
ü  Using affiliates to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission on sales

Now that you know the pros and cons of Google Ads, do you think it’s the right choice for you?

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